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THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 39 ‘Ordinary Jews’: Introduction
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 39 ‘Ordinary Jews’: Introduction
by SPCK - N T Wright
‘Ordinary Jews’: Introduction I have dealt thus far with what may be considered ‘specialist’ branches of first-century Judaism, because I think it important to get as clear a historical picture as possible before plunging into a more general account of the Jewish worldview of the
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 10 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 10 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Christian Unity Paul is now ready to present the fourth section of the first essay. The outline of the whole is The Cross and Christian Unity (1:10–4:16) The Problem: Divisions, Baptism and the Cross (1:10-16) The Wisdom and Power of God: The Cross (1:17–2:2) The Wisdom of God: R
Hot foot it
Hot foot it
by Glen Scott Robson
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
Vine Video - Vine Video - What are you being called to? - Richard Rohr - 7th March 2021
Vine Video - Vine Video - What are you being called to? - Richard Rohr - 7th March 2021
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
Vine Video - 7th March 2021 What are you being called to? - Richard Rohr Video version of the What are you being called to?' section in the Vine resources for 7th March, in which you are invited to reflect on a quotation from Richard Rohr. You might like to use this video at the
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - On Safeguarding Concord
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - On Safeguarding Concord
by SPCK - John Goldingay
On Safeguarding Concord The pest control man came the other day to check that we had no termites or other unwelcome guests. It reminded me of an experience a few weeks after we moved to California, when another Old Testament professor who was in town came for afternoon tea…
Isaiah for everyone - Don't Be Afraid
Isaiah for everyone - Don't Be Afraid
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Don’t Be Afraid My wife’s degree program requires her to take part this week in a day’s silent retreat. Students are not allowed to bring their computers or other communication devices. Kathleen is looking forward to the event, but some of her classmates are freaking out about it
Isaiah for everyone - High and Holy, but Present with the Crushed and Low in Spirit
Isaiah for everyone - High and Holy, but Present with the Crushed and Low in Spirit
by SPCK - John Goldingay
High and Holy, but Present with the Crushed and Low in Spirit In a recent sermon in our seminary I told students that Jesus isn’t their buddy. I’m told the air went out of the room when I said it. A friend subsequently gave me a “Buddy Christ” statuette, which I could put on my d
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - The Way of a Man Can Be Strange